This Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Wake, Pee, Hydrate, Meditate, Move, Smile

Ideally, you wake with the sunrise and without an alarm. To do this requires you to back track to the preceding night, going to sleep when you first feel tired, knowing your sleep needs…how do you feel on 6 hours? 7? 8? 10? If you need 7.5 hours of sleep and want to wake at 6:00am, you’ll need to be asleep by: 10:30pm. We sleep in 90 min. cycles, so calculating that your desired wake-up time comes at the end of a 90 min. cycles helps you wake naturally.

First thing, rise and empty your bladder. Then hydrate the body, most of us awaken dehydrated, we lose about 1 liter of water just through respiration and perspiration while sleeping. It helps to drink 12-16 ounces of plain water (not coffee or tea - both of which are diuretics) first thing. Ideally it should be warm or room temperature water. Want to enhance digestion and elimination? Add a squirt of fresh lemon juice or a spoonful of apple cider vinegar to that water.

Start the day with Meditation. It can be 5 min. or 20 min. depending on your schedule and training. You can sit quietly and focus on mindfulness noticing your breathing and the sensations of your body, you can use a mantra or sound, you can listen to a guided meditation, or you can pray. As you end your meditation, and are slowly coming out of this altered state of consciousness, take your time, think of 3-5 things you are grateful for this day, and think of 3-5 things you’d like to accomplish this day. This sets your INTENTION for the day.

Then you are ready to MOVE. Exercise is an ideal way to start your day and will bring mental clarity and energy to your body. The Spartans suggested a minimum of 30 minutes sweating, that means some activities that get your heart rate going. A brisk sunrise walk in the fresh air is ideal; perhaps followed by a gentle stretching session of yoga. Do what you ENJOY as the joy in the activity is more powerful than the intensity of the workout. Adding in the component of time spent in Nature simply amplifies the benefits of what is now being called Green Exercise.

Lastly, improve someone else’s day, send some greeting, inspirational quote or fun picture to a friend, colleague or family member. If you live with others offer a smile, hug or kiss to start their day off. Doing good for others makes you feel good.

Once you’ve completed this 45 - 75 minute routine you’ll find yourself in a Great mood ready to attack your day.


Exercises To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts